9 yo has been nagging to go swim so today we are doing that. It works for me too as I brought along this… It’s ugly, but it works. #amplotting now is good for #amwriting just now. How’s your Saturday treating you?
Read moreTag: family
Cover Reveal … Finding Mia
I clearly remember meeting my Hayley for the first time. Labor took 4,5 hours (short compared to most), a few pushes and some tugging. Then they handed me this squishy bundle of wrinkled skin – pale, blueish and not too charmed at facing the big world. I was smitten. To me, there’d never been anything […]
Read more2014: Syncing and Downloading
I’ve had this post regarding new years resolutions brewing for weeks now and I thought it would be best to get it out before January is over. Good plan, yes? Did you make any? How is that working out for you? I don’t do resolutions for the simple reason it’s like drawing a line in the […]
Read more265 in… 100 to go
My diary informs me that today is the 265th day of 2013. There are 100 days until another year bites the dust. Its enough to make my head split in half. I’ve been scarce here, I know. I do poke my nose in to check up on you every so often. Quietly, like a mouse. […]
Read morePulling weeds
We had to let our gardener go. We just couldn’t afford him – he kept breaking things. Like the lawnmower and the edge cutter. And the mower’s power cable. And more rakes than I have fingers… Need I go on? The point is – this weekend found me in the garden, up to my elbows […]
Read moreHope!
My 5 yo was invited to a party the other day. Her little friend came up, tossed an invitation at her chest and declared, “You’re coming to my party!” Then she skipped off. At the time I laughed, but for some reason, that little exchange tickled something inside of me. I made sure my kiddo […]
Read moreLandsick…
Have you ever been on a boat long enough to get your sea-legs, only to feel thoroughly sick when you get back on land? This is probably the best way I can describe how I’m feeling at the moment – though it has nothing to do with boats, land or throwing up. Shhh! Let me explain. […]
Read moreCome in and have some cake…
It’s my birthday! So please come in and help yourself to some cake… (sorry guys, I know it’s pink and purple… I like it 🙂 ) … and a cuppa of something nice…. … or maybe you prefer something with bubbles? So pull up a chair and make yourself at home. I’d love nothing […]
Read moreBubbles and Rock
When things get tough, do you ever eyeball yourself firmly in the mirror and give yourself a pep talk? I know I do. I just make sure nobody is watching first. I’ve come to realize though, that my motivational eyeballings – even the very best ones, are a little bit like wrapping myself in a bubble. […]
Read moreThings aren’t what they seem…
If you had peeped into my bedroom this morning at 8, you would have thought – look at that lazy thing, tucked up under the duvet doing nothing. You would have, in fact, been dead wrong. Oh yes – to a casual observer it would seem that I was lying very snug and still, but what you […]
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